Speech Therapy Fairy tales

Speech Therapy Fairy tales


A1 Slovenija

35% of children in Slovenia require help of a speech therapist while growing up. But the waiting periods are longer than ever before. Therefore, A1 Slovenija created Speech therapy fairy tales – a special series of fairy tales with exercises that promote the development of children’s speech.

12 fairy tales for 12 sounds that are difficult to pronounce

In collaboration with renowned Slovenian author Nina Mav Hrovat and speech therapist Monika Rataj, we created 12 fairy tales with exercises for 12 different sounds that are difficult to pronounce. The fairy tale content turns the monotone speech therapy exercises into a fun activity, as children are encouraged by fairy tale heroes, voiced by venerable actors, to do the exercises. In this way, children can sharpen their listening comprehension skills and strengthen their pronunciation of sounds with the help of content they love.

Fairy tales, in addition to exercises, also contain numerous words that serve as inspiration for additional speech organ training. Some of them are available as playful video animations, which guide children through correct pronunciation of sounds and syllables.

A useful tool that helped 94% of listeners

Speech therapy audio fairy tales have been listened to over 240,000 times, and the animations have been viewed more than 140,000 times. Scores of 4 or 5 were given to the tales by 94% of listeners when they were asked about their usefulness. The fairy tales were also welcomed by kindergarten teachers and speech therapists, who recognised them as a helpful tool for motiving children.


SHIFT: Luka B., Matija P., Kaja E., Špela V., Klemen K., Amadea Š., Andraž G., Taja M., Tina K., Asja M.
Client: Tanja K., Anja B., Katja V.
Partners: Studio Multipraktik, Drom, Moraus, Taktik, Monika R.

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