Life to the Fullest

Life to the Fullest


Pivovarna Laško Union

For Pivovarna Union, we created a new communication platform and, at the same time, its new positioning slogan – “Life to the fullest”. With the campaign, we encouraged users to follow what is truly valuable in life.

Two stories about living life to the fullest

Friendship, passion, and commitment. Irresistible energy, courage, and sincerity. Union has always been synonymous with the things that count the most. This message was also strengthened by two inspiring TV ads, which presented two stories that stand on their own but are also closely intertwined as part of the new advertising campaign. In the first story, we got to know a guy and all his passions, and in the second, his girlfriend, who also showed pieces of her life for the viewers.

We used the campaign to remind users through various channels that there is the”power of the dreagon” hidden in each of us, which drives us to reach higher, walk further, and dedicate ourselves to those things and people that mean the most to us.

SHIFT: Katja P.D., Nina V., Kaja E., Luka B., Amadea Š., Nina B., Špela Ž., Matija P., Andraž G., Hana D., Miha K., Teja R., Sabrina S., Monika H.
Client: Ajda J., Nina T., David Z.
Partners: Kinomotel, Art Rebel 9, Studio 100, Blaž Š., Aleksandar P., Saša H., MEdia Publikum

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