Black humour before Black Friday
A1 Slovenija
Before Black Friday, A1 Slovenija wanted to shed light on the problem of excessive consumption. We asked famous comedians to collaborate in the “Black humour before Black Friday” campaign and thus emphasized that our influence on the environment is no laughing matter.

We discard electronic devices after just a year or two
Excessive consumption has a large negative impact on the environment. Discarding old things accumulates garbage, while creating and distributing new things significantly increases the amount of greenhouse gas.
Each Black Friday, consumption further increases due to large discounts, and electronic devices are a part of this problem – during this time consumers most often purchase small electronic devices, which they often get rid of after just a year or two. That is why we collaborated with A1 Slovenija to create a project with the goal of encouraging users to shop more responsibly on Black Friday.
Excessive consumption is not a joke
Communication about important issues tends to be quite dark and pessimistic. We kept the darkness but mixed it with a bit of humour to create “Black humour before Black Friday”. Dark humour tends to hide a lot of truth, and harsh truths are more easily swallowed with a spoonful of jokes.
We joined forces with established comedians, who created a special online show that uses jokes to communicate that it’s time to change our habits. We placed it on A1’s website, where we first made users laugh with the stand-up show and thematic song, and then offered them relevant solutions to the problem – we encouraged them to repair old phones or, when necessary, buy refurbished ones. We also linked to Ekologi brez meja’s website manjjevec.si, where they could find a map of tradesmen who fix used things.
The campaign reached over half a million consumers
We supported the online campaign on social media and in print. We reached over 500,000 consumers and thus addressed over 89% of our target group.

SHIFT: Ana I., Eva G., Andraž G., Nina B., Petra A.
Client: Anja R., Mojca G., Sašo M.
Partners: Perica J., Marko Ž., Admir B., Robert P., Jani U., OMD, Drom