Fail Unlimitedly
A1 Slovenija
We all fail many times on our path to success. While everyone else celebrates and supports only victories, A1 Vajb, mobile package for youth, also supports the failures of young people. In the campaign, that addresses this specific target group, we encouraged young people to fail unlimitedly – and A1 stands by them with an unlimited mobile package.

Fail with unlimited A1 Vajb mobile package
In a world that celebrates victories, it is sometimes very difficult to accept one’s own falls and defeats. But many times, a failure is worth more than any success. Failures are those that lead to knowledge, new experiences, memories, and, last but not least, to victories and successes. And what better time to test your limits than when you are young?
That’s why we encouraged young people to dare to fail in the “Fail unlimitedly” campaign. Since young people spend almost all of their time on the phone, the package is the right tool for creating these fails – you can learn a new hobby on the phone and fail, you can record yourself while failing, or simply just laugh with a friend about the last time you failed.

SHIFT: Kaja E., Andraž G., Abra N., Luka B., Matija P., Aleš S., Nina B., Nina M.
Client: Anja R., Mojca G., Mateja M., Irena Č.
Partners: Bright, Studio 100, Drom, Kukla, , Luka T., Urša P.